LVMH + Densu | Blanc Magazine’s Teneisha Carr  

Blanc is a combination of a vehicle that new creatives can express and explore their talents freely to an audience hungry for these stories, and a way for brands to take part in our storytelling authenticity,” Teneshia Carr.

Painting In the Blanc Canvas With This Branded Content Talent Spotlight from LVMH & Densu

ECG in partnership with The Populace Group had the pleasure of getting to talk to Terneshia Carr, Owner and Editor of Blanc Magazine. Blanc focuses on celebrating underrepresented talents worldwide and telling their authentic stories. Through her creation of Blanc, Teneshia has been able to work and foster relationships with luxury brands like LVMH and Densu. LVMH and Densu wanted to highlight all of the amazing work that Teneshia has done not only for brands, but also in finding genuine ways to represent diverse communities.

On a comfy chair in SoHo House, one of Teneshia’s favorite places to edit her magazine, she shared the story of how Blanc came to be. After struggling to find space in the industry during and after college she found her way into the door, because no one can resist a Trojan Horse–check your Greek history.  

“By creating a Trojan horse, Blanc is a combination of a vehicle that new creatives can express and explore their talents freely to an audience hungry for these stories and a way for the brands to take part in our storytelling authentically.”

Story Producer, Jasmine Waters, found Teneshia’s story inspiring after the pre-interview, and was excited to have the opportunity to pull the pieces together. In this short branded content spotlight, you’re able to get a full scope of who Teneshia is, how Blanc continues to push boundaries, and the true beauty of representation. 

And what’s more ironic and iconic than calling an intentionally diverse magazine “blanc” (pardon our French)?




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