National Peanut Board

Here at ECG we love to eat (and drink) well, so our team is always excited to get the opportunity to produce cooking related content. Peanut butter is a staple in many American kitchens, so The National Peanut Board wanted to highlight some creative peanut recipes that anyone can cook for their family. We called on registered dietician Sherry Coleman Collins to create and demonstrate nutritious and delicious meal ideas using peanut butter as a key ingredient.

Child and mother eating peanut butter waffles

We used a three camera approach, with two Blackmagic Production Camera 4K rigs and one Canon 5D Mark III. Adding a third non-matched camera did require some additional color grading work in post-production, but allowed us to get some really great shots that we would otherwise have missed out on.

The team’s diligent production work made for a smooth day of production on set. Showing up well prepared allows us the flexibility to get creative and to really capture the moment without having to worry about scheduling constraints. Working with Sherry was an absolute pleasure and getting to eat the food that she made while filming was definitely a nice bonus. Everything she whipped up tasted just as good as it looked, and I know many crew members (as well as viewers) will be preparing these recipes at home very soon.

Nutritionist Preparing Peanut Noodles



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