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Jason Sirotin (Host): Hello and welcome to the Naked Unicorn podcast, I’m Jason Sirotin and today I am joined by my friend…and I guess we’re business partners?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): I guess we are.
Jason Sirotin (Host): We are.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Oh my goodness.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Sarah Ballantyne, The Paleo Mom. Sarah, how are you?

Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): I am great! Thank you so much for having me here. This is really fun.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Thank you for joining us. So tell people what is “The Paleo Mom”?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): The Paleo Mom is my blog that I started three and a half years ago really on in my sort of journey into the Paleo Diet. It was started out of a necessity for an outlet and a necessity for an outlet for my enthusiasm about this solution that I finally found for all of my health struggles, and then it’s just grown from there.
So I’ve published two books.
Jason Sirotin (Host): New York Times Bestseller.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): New York Times Bestselling Author.
Jason Sirotin (Host): What was it was like when you got that news?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): What was really interesting about that was, I made the New York Times Bestseller list seven months after my first book, “The Paleo Approach” was published and it was…there was no new marketing, there was no new interviews or campaigns it just sort of organically had sort of been growing momentum to the point where it sort of hit those critical numbers to make the list. In terms of sales and diversity of sales and whatever secret algorithm they have. Right? We don’t actually know.
I had given up hope, I had really thought…most books make the list right at the beginning the first few weeks when there’s this big marketing push and you’re doing lots of interviews and you’re out on book tours and you’re doing book signings and all those things. So to not be doing that, why would my book make the New York Times Best Seller list?
My publisher called me with the operations manager and the publicist on the phone. So okay something’s up, and we were…the cookbook had actually already gone to prints. We were just a few weeks out from the cookbook releasing and he’s like, “Oh so you know there’s some news.” The publicist is like, “Do you want to break the news to Sarah?” And she’s like, “Well, there’s a problem with the book.” I’m like, “What?” “No, no, not the cookbook. The cookbooks fine, it’s going to be delivered on schedule. The problems with the first book.” I’m like, “Okay?” “The problems with the cover.” And I’m thinking, there’s some stock photography on the cover, did somebody sue us? What’s going on? Do we have to redesign something?
And they’re like, “We’re going to have to redesign the cover.” I’m like, “Oh no, we do have to redesign something.” “To fit on the words, “New York Times Best Seller.” There was a second and a half of silence while I actually processed that information and then I screamed. I screamed and I jumped up and down. I was home by myself with the kids and the kids came running like what’s going on? What’s going on? And I proceeded to scream and jump up and down for two full minutes. My publisher said that was the best reaction of any author. And they actually recorded it. Just to…
Jason Sirotin (Host): That’s awesome.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): …Blackmail me later, but yeah it was…the biggest thing was it was a relief. It was a book that I had put so much time an energy and I had made sacrifices in my personal life.
Jason Sirotin (Host): It’s a massive book.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): It’s a massive book, and it’s…
Jason Sirotin (Host): It’s a Bible.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): People call it a Bible or an encyclopedia, those are the two words that people use. So for listeners who aren’t familiar with my first book it is the science behind a really sort of therapeutic diet and lifestyle approach based on a paleo template for treating and managing autoimmune disease.
I read about 6,000 papers to formulate all the recommendations. In that book there’s 1,200 scientific references in the appendices. It’s really the detailed science that’s what I do, that’s what I find really really fascinating. It is explaining the detailed mechanisms of how compounds and foods interact with the human body in a way that is accessible without over simplifying. That’s really something I feel very passionate about it scientific literacy and explaining scientific concepts in a way that people understand it but without resulting to dump truck analogies.
I really really find dump truck analogies to be super annoying.
Jason Sirotin (Host): I don’t even know what a dump truck analogy is.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): You never heard an analogy of something happening in the human body that relates it to dump trucks?
Jason Sirotin (Host): No.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): They’re really really common, so you’ll often hear like cholesterol analogies and how your HDL and your LDL are like dump trucks in your blood system and they’re actually carrying the fats to where they should go.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Okay.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): You’ll see this a lot in health books. Books that are trying to explain these scientific concepts to someone, but what they do is they dumb it down so much that you lose the actual scientific truth behind it.
You end up having a book that…it’s certainly more accessible but there’s a huge segment of society who is hungry for the real science behind these concepts, and really wants to know exactly why they should make a choice. That was who I was writing my book for. I was writing my book for the people who read dump truck analogies and decide that they’re just going to keep eating their bagels.
Jason Sirotin (Host): I got to ask you this what’s it like to be niche famous?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): It is really strange. I hit these points every once in a while, I walk somewhere and someone will recognize me. I’ll be signing my kid up for swimming lessons and the person will see my name and go, “Hey, wait a minute.” Or I’ll be at conference and someone will go girl fanning in the bathroom which is really really awkward.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Especially when they don’t wash their hands.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Right. I have literally had to tell people, “I’m just going to wash my hands first, and then how about we leave the bathroom and we can talk?” I’ve had to do that more than once.
Jason Sirotin (Host): I’d say that that would be pretty awkward.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): It is awkward.
Jason Sirotin (Host): So if you’re a fan of Sarah’s…
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Let me wash my hands first.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Wait till she gets out of the bathroom. That’s usually the best.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): I’m really nice and I will talk to you and I won’t be rude, but let me wash my hands first.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Do you take pictures with people?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Yeah, absolutely.
Jason Sirotin (Host): You don’t mind?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): No, I don’t mind at all. I’ll sign whatever people want me to sign. I’ll take pictures. I’ll chat.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Has this kind of niche fame prepared you at? Does it make you scared for larger fame?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Yes. Yes, it does.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Yeah.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): So for me right now most of my life I’m anonymous so I drop off the kids in car pool lane. I go work out at Crossfit. I go shopping, I go about my day and I have all my regular people that I see and that I hug and that I’m friendly with. But my regular day is regular. Right? There’s nothing famous about my regular day.
It’s when I’m in front of my books in Costco. Right? If I’m front of my books and someone can see my book then they look at me. Right? They’re like…
Jason Sirotin (Host): Why is she standing in front of her own book?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Wait a minute…I’m usually guerrilla signing my books.
Jason Sirotin (Host): You’re like, “Whoever bought this at Costco, I love you.”
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): My normal day, it doesn’t really permeate my normal day. Right now it will kind of come at me by surprise so it will be…If I’m at a conference I’m expecting it, if I’m at a book signing I’m expecting it, but it’s just every once in a while someone will recognize me and say, “Did you write that? Is that pancake recipe yours?”
Jason Sirotin (Host): Oh, the pancakes.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Right.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Oh, the plantain pancakes.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): That was pretty much my ticket to fame right there was the plantain pancakes.
Jason Sirotin (Host): The plantain pancakes changed my life. They’re amazing. If you have never made Sarah’s plantain pancakes you must go to her site right now, go to the search bar.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): They’re called, “Perfect Paleo Pancakes.”
Jason Sirotin (Host): That’s what they’re called?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Yeah.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Perfect paleo pancakes.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Because they are perfect.
Jason Sirotin (Host): In my house they are plantain pancakes.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): There’s another recipe for plantain pancakes that are more like a plantain fritter. That’s why I’m telling people to look for “Perfect Paleo Pancakes”
Jason Sirotin (Host): They are perfect. So what’s the coolest free thing you’ve ever been given?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): The coolest free thing?
Jason Sirotin (Host): Cause that’s one of the cool things about having a blog that’s popular is free stuff. Right?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Free stuff, and I didn’t know that that was a thing when I started my blog. I had no idea and when free started coming it took me a while to realize I could actually say no to free stuff. Like no, I’m not going to really want that. The coolest free thing? Probably a smoker. I was given a smoker to write a review and then the company gave me a smoker to give away to a fan as well.
I was like, “If we’re going to barbecue it’s my husbands job.” I cook everything else but barbecuing is his thing. The smoker I was like, “I’m going to learn how to use this.” And it’s awesome. It’s so much flavor and it’s actually really straight forward to use. It’s not something I ever knew that I wanted. Other things I’ve been given like pots and pans, food, it’s stuff that I find intriguing. Whereas the smoker was like, “Here’s a challenge. Learn how to use this thing that has flammable properties.”
Jason Sirotin (Host): Right, right.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): And then it makes amazing food. So it was from really intimidating to, “Oh my gosh, I got to figure out a way to use this every week.”
Jason Sirotin (Host): I think what’s interesting about our relationship is we kind of crossed paths at kind of the perfect time in the paleo space. We had just finished the movie, “The Perfect Human Diet.” Your daughter goes to one of the partners of ECG’s dance classes. Right?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Yeah.
Jason Sirotin (Host): And you were talking to his mother and you made the connection and then we met.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): I was illustrating “The Paleo Approach.” So I was actually working on an illustration during dance class, and your partners father actually was asking me about my tablet because it was Stylus compatible and it was pretty cool. I started talking about that and then he mentioned, “Oh my son’s paleo, and he just co-produced this documentary.”
It had just happened that I had watched, “In Search of the Perfect Human Diet” the week before so not had I seen it but I had seen it recently and I was really impressed and I was like, “Oh my gosh, I saw that last week. It’s so good. I was so excited.” It was this great connection. You’re right, just at the perfect time.
Jason Sirotin (Host): This is the gold moment which is why we decided to make the TV show Paleo Bites, we decided rather than just do sizzle reel we were going to shoot a whole pilot. We wanted to make it so that it was really impactful for the networks and something that they could really wrap their head around because we wanted to do something different.
It was lifestyle, it was about cooking, it was exercise, it was about science and getting to know it. I think that really encapsulates what Paleo Mom is all about. Right?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): I think it does. One of the the things that I love about my blog is it manages to incorporate everything I’m interested in into one place, and I’ve never had a career before that could put all of my interests in one place.
The cooking show is basically the epitome of that because we’re taking all of that and we’re bringing it into such an exciting accessible form for people that I think is really fun and funny. And that’s really going to resonate with an audience. We managed to package that up, like how cool is that?
To package up the lifestyle and the diet and the science behind it into a TV shows. That’s jus something that no one seen before and I think the paleo community is hungry for something like this.
Jason Sirotin (Host): What’s cool about this show is it’s not your standard cooking show. It is such a departure, I think the closest thing I would ever compare it to would Alton Brown’s Good Eats, and even that didn’t go into kind of the detail and go into the physiology.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Alton Brown does more food chemistry, so the science of how you create flavors, and we’re creating flavors but the science we’re talking about is about the ingredient choices and the impact that those have on the human body. So it’s more nutrition science rather than food science.
I think that clearly Alton Brown is the master and he was definitely an inspiration as we were talking about how we were going to formulate the show and wrap so many different types of concepts into one package.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Because his show was never boring. And that’s what you and I talked both talked about the very onset of it is let’s not make this boring. Let’s make it really like an experience and I think we got that tonally and with all the cool graphics and animations.
Let’s take people through the process. From your perspective how did the process operate?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): I think that we really started with brainstorming. Right? We just started with, it was mostly you and I, talking about our visions and talking about the different elements we wanted to include and I think we were really lucky in the sense that we were really on the same page right from the very beginning.
It were like feeding off of each others dorky ideas right from the beginning. And I think that really carries out to how the show turned out because you can see that fun, you can just imagine cracking each other up in our writers meetings in the beginning. And we were.
It was just fun from the very very beginning. So I think that we were able to how are we going to incorporate that? How is that going to go from a pilot to a season? So right from the beginning we’re talking about it’s not just about the pilot. It’s setting up a whole season, a whole series but using the pilot as our tool for looking forward.
It started with brainstorming, and then figuring out the beats. For me it was figuring out the recipes and figuring out the science and figuring out where do you start? Where do you introduce paleo to the average American household? For me it was really important to have really accessible home cooking recipes. Easy to make, perfectly easy to find ingredients, nothing that would be hard for someone who lived in a small town, USA to find at their grocery store. And really focus the science of Paleo on nutrient density and what foods are really really good for you.
We take this concept and we have to go now where do we go with lifestyle? Where do we go with science? How do we?
Jason Sirotin (Host): How do you tie it together and make it fun?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Right, and how do you transition?
Jason Sirotin (Host): For me it was always about the graphics package. To me setting the tone for everything where it was kind of sciency and fun and it kind of had all those elements and then how you were going to say everything and how we were going to cut back and forth and doing the exercises in the kitchen. These are all things that we wanted people to be able actually do exercises in their kitchen while they’re preparing meals for their family. The meal, the first meal at least is fairly easy to cook. I’ve made it several times.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): That was really really intentional. To me the idea is not to turn people into paleo chefs. The idea is to make it something that’s not so intimidating for the average American family to actually do in their home and I think that’s one of the barriers that the Paleo community faces right now. Is that you see this big list of no’s and you see this big list of foods that you can’t eat, many of which are staples for the standard American diet, it’s intimidating
So the idea is to take those recipes, take those foods that we actually eat day to day and show people how delicious they are, how simple they are to make, and take away that intimidating factor. Then you get to incorporate the science so you can really show just how founded this diet is in contemporary science, and just how solid the rationale is that this way is eating really does lead to optimal health.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Yeah, and there’s been a lot of negativity around the paleo diet like on Buzz Feed, it’s the 35th hardest diet to maintain. What are your thoughts on that?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): I think that the momentum of the paleo movement proves that wrong. I think that when I see criticisms of the paleo diet it’s usually criticizing some extremist form of the paleo diet that doesn’t represent what the paleo community is now. The common criticisms we see is that it’s too hard. I think that the 6 million Americans who are following the paleo diet, which is about the same number of people who are vegetarian.
Jason Sirotin (Host): 6 million potential viewers.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): 6 million viewers, and growing. Right? Growing rapidly, those were the estimates from last year which was double the estimates from the year before. So it’s a really rapidly growing community and the other criticisms that you see of paleo diet are it’s too much meat. You saw the plate of food we had. It was meat and three different vegetables. Paleo’s tons of vegetables.
Jason Sirotin (Host): And for everybody to know the recipe was what? What did we make?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): We made pecan crusted chicken breast with cauliflower gravy and bacon braised kale. And then we served it with mashed sweet potatoes and a garden salad.
Jason Sirotin (Host): The cauliflower gravy is my new jam.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Isn’t it amazing?
Jason Sirotin (Host): I just eat it as soup sometimes.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Oh it is really good as soup.
Jason Sirotin (Host): And you use a Blend Tech right? And I use a Vitamix, and the Vitamix doesn’t fit under my counter but the Blend Tech does you say.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Yes, the Blend Tech does fit under my counter. Really they’re both high powered blenders and they really do the same job. But really for making the cauliflower gravy you could do it with a $10 Oster blender from Walmart if you wanted to. It doesn’t need a high powered blender to make it super super smooth.
Jason Sirotin (Host): That’s good to know.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Yeah. So the trick to get the smooth gravy is to overcook the cauliflower. The recipe is basically you take some broth, you add some cauliflower, you cook the bajeepers out of the cauliflower. And then you blend it.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Is that Canadian, bajeepers?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): It’s something.
Jason Sirotin (Host): I like that. If you could pick a network to put this show on, where do you think it would be the best fit?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): As a self-professed Food Network junkie, that to me the holy grail of networks for this to go. Cooking Channel is a really really close second but I think that what excites me about food network is that we’re starting to see awareness of paleo diet principals sort of seep into some other shows.
It’s been on Top Chef, they’ve been soliciting auditions from the paleo community for our next Food Network Star. They’ve been soliciting auditions from the paleo community for there’s like a Home Cook America, version of Next Food Network Star.
I think they’re curious. Right? They’re starting to see that this is a thing and this is a growing market.
Jason Sirotin (Host): 6 million people will do that.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): 6 millions a lot of people.
Jason Sirotin (Host): How many people come to your website a month?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): About 2 million.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Wow.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Yeah.
Jason Sirotin (Host): And growing?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Still growing. Yeah, definitely and my books have been selling fantastically and I’m just one of hundreds if not thousands of paleo blogs that people are frequenting. I’m kind of like a one stop shop but there’s definitely things like people don’t come to my blog for Crossfit inspiration.
Jason Sirotin (Host): They come to you because they’re looking for the the nutritional science and autoimmune stuff and all of that.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): A lot of chronic health issues, a lot of my fan base are people who come to paleo to deal with chronic health problems. A lot of my fan base are moms, just trying to figure out the best way to raise their kids and the best way to feed their kids. And then a lot of people are struggling with weight and weight problems. Mostly people with weight to lose but some people who are underweight.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Interesting.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): And struggling to gain weight.
Jason Sirotin (Host): I wish I had that problem.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): You know it’s a hard problem.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Really?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Yeah I actually…I think that I would rather be on the side of that scale that I am because being underweight it has more health challenges associated with it because you’re underweight because you’re so nutritionally deprived.
Being overweight you still typically have nutritional deficiencies but it’s not as extreme. I think it’s harder from a place of chronic illness trying to achieve a healthy weight I think it’s harder to gain weight healthfully when you’re underweight than it is to lose weight healthfully when you’re overweight.
Jason Sirotin (Host): I heard an interesting argument the other day. Somebody said that if you were really going back to the paleolithic age and you were looking at cavemen and cave women, that they wouldn’t be able to eat meat on a regular basis because hunting was very hard to do.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): I think that that has been fairly well debunked in the scientific literature. They’ve actually done a variety of sort of types looking at hunter-gatherers and how much meat they actually eat in different populations in the world. And then they’ve done experiments where they’ve taken people and put them out in the boonies and said, “Hunt and gather, and just figure it out something.”
I think they’ve discovered that hunting is not as hard as it is but depending on where these people were in the world they certainly would have had seasonal changes in what was available. I think what happens is when meat was available they would of gorged on meat. When it was less available they would of been getting small game, maybe eggs out of nests or birds things like that, and then they would of been eating a lot more of stuff that was gathered.
I think that the average estimates is that about 65% of the caloric intake came from stuff that’s hunted and about 35% of the their caloric intake on average came from stuff that was gathered. That puts a diet at somewhere between a third of your plate with meat and two-thirds of it with vegetables because the caloric density of meat is so much higher than the caloric density of most things that you would gather.
I think that hunter-gatherers had, our paleolithic ancestors had that we really don’t have now unless your specifically seeking it out is seasonal variations in their diet. We just don’t have that now. We can get anything at the grocery store all year round. And there’s some real advantages to seasonal variations in the diet. And there’s real advantages to sort of cycling food.
They also had way more variety period. You look at hunter-gatherer populations, they typically eat between 100 and 200 different types of plants. You might find 50 to 80 different types of fruits and vegetables in a great grocery store. So they’re eating way more variety than we are on average.
Part of this is figuring out what about their diet was so effective in making them healthy and what about their lifestyle too. Right? Cause this is not just about food it’s about the fact that they go to bed when the sun goes down. They are super super social, they are sitting on the ground, they are walking tons. Right? They have a completely different lifestyle input into their health than what we have in civilized countries.
Part of it is figuring out what they were doing that was working really well for them. Understanding why, like it’s not just a, “Hey cavemen if they didn’t get mauled by a lion lived to be 80 or 85 and were healthy, if they didn’t get mauled by a lion.” So let’s do what they did.” It’s not a historical reenactment.
Looking at them as the hypothesis so we can say, “They didn’t have all the chronic illnesses that we’re plagued with, they must of been doing something right. Now let’s dissect this and understand what is it about the foods that they were eating that was supporting health and the food that they’re not eating, that we’re eating that may be undermining health. And let’s see if we can understand that.”
I think that the paleo diet is often sort of chastized as being this impossible thing because our food system is so different. The foods that we have access to generally are nothing like…
Jason Sirotin (Host): Yeah, graham crackers are not in the paleo diet.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): No. No, but it’s not even grains. Right? It’s not even things are sort of post farming. It’s the fact that our kale doesn’t look anything like the leafy greens that a caveman would of ate. Kale is one of the oldest vegetables but it still only goes back about 6,000 years.
Just the types of things that we can cultivate even the healthiest things that we can cultivate still fall short of the nutrient density of the things that cavemen would of hunted and gathered. The idea is to look at the trends and we’re not doing this in order to…we don’t all want to live in the woods. We want to keep our comforts.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Right.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): But figure out what it is about what they were doing that we can emulate within our food system within our society thinking about sustainability. And figuring out what are the pieces of this that are most effective. It’s not about just living in a cave and sharpening sticks all day.
Jason Sirotin (Host): So with what we’re doing with the show what are your hopes for the next six months for us?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Oh gosh, the next six months. For me, when people ask me what do you think the paleo movement needs to continue to gain momentum, and I say it needs movie stars that are following the paleo diet and talking about it, which we’re starting to see which is really exciting. I just heard Superman is paleo.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Which one?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): The new one.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Oh.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): From Superman versus Batman, that guy. Sorry, I don’t know his name. And then we need television shows that are educating people about paleo diet because not everyone gets their information from books and from websites. We need this other way of communicating with people.
Jason Sirotin (Host): And they need to see how easy it is.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): They need to see how easy it is and that it’s tasty. They’re not going to feel deprived. I think that’s one of the things that people are really worried about when they think about the paleo diet they’re like, “But all the yummy food is gone.” Right? That’s one of the first responses and it’s not at all true. Paleo’s delicious!
Jason Sirotin (Host): Yeah there’s a lot of really great food.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): So showing them that. So, I’m hoping that there is the level of excitement and enthusiasm about this show that I’m anticipating. That’s the big thing. I’m hoping that the paleo community really rallies behind it and really demonstrates to the network that there’s a market for this. That it’s what the people want, that people are going to watch it, and then ideally every network wants the show. Right?
Jason Sirotin (Host): How do we get people to, we do our fan base, how do we get them to go out and get them to request this show from the networks?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Well I think the best way is to ask them.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Yeah.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): That’s what I intend on doing. I think I’m just going to say hey please? Please support us and go tell the networks you want to see this show on television. I think that’s the best thing.
Jason Sirotin (Host): That’s the most organic way and that’s how you’ve grown everything. Right?
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Right. For me, I’m hoping that I have a big enough really connected passionate fan base that it will just sort of happen organically and they’ll [inaudible 00:28:39] and they’ll be super excited and I think that, I think it will happen. You never know until you actually.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Right. No, absolutely. Until you ask.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Yeah. So that’s my plan, I’m going to ask people. I’m going to say here it is and aren’t you excited?
Jason Sirotin (Host): Right, yeah.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Now can you please support us and help us get this on television? I hope the networks have this enough on their radar as much as I think they do. That they just go, “Ah, this is what we’ve been waiting for.”
Jason Sirotin (Host): Sign it up.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Yeah.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Sign it up and do it. My goal is I want to create great content that people actually watch and care about. I think that that’s, from our standpoint, that’s what we want to do. Deliver a really high quality product, good production value, cool graphics, there’s some funny bits in the first episode.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): So when I was showing it to my family, and this was a rough cut last fall, I could not believe how, tears were streaming down their cheeks. And I couldn’t believe, they’re my family. Right? They’re not supposed to think I’m funny.
Jason Sirotin (Host): Right.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): And they were laughing so hysterical. It was like, “The jokes played, yes.”
Jason Sirotin (Host): It’s always good when the jokes hit. And it’s really bad when they don’t.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Oh yeah. Crickets are a bad sound.
Jason Sirotin (Host): You get chills up your arms when they’re not buying into something. Well everybody should be on the lookout for our show Paleo Bites, Sarah thank you so much for your time today. Tell us how people can learn about you, learn about your stuff, where can they buy all your stuff? Tell us all about it.
Sarah Ballantyne (Guest): Home Central is thepaleomom.com and from there you can link to my books, you can link to all my social media sites. I’ve got different content on different social media sites. On the blog I’ve got a newsletter. I’ve got a podcast. You can link to everything from thepaleomom.com and find out all about the dorky science I do and all about my opinions on various various things.
Jason Sirotin (Host): That’s awesome. Well Sarah, thank you so much for your time. Thank you everybody for listening to the Naked Unicorn, I’m Jason Sirotin you can visit our blog at ecgprod.com/blog. Thank you so much, have a great day.
3 Responses
Hello ECG.PROD. Exceptional Podcast. The diet that will work, and everyone should be working hard on. With this kind of diet, you will lose weight without even exercising. The reason why is that the food that you are consuming is fat burning in the combination of the way you consume this diet. But this is not to say you should not exercise. Love this Podcast. Thank you, ECG for putting this out there for people to learn. Another major factor in a good diet is to make sure you drink well well-cleaned water not the water that comes out of your faucet, and the reason is that they just meet basic standards and not clean it as good as it should be. Magnificent job and have a great day. JAKEJHUNTER VIKING-WARRIOR♥
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