Be a “Go-getter”

A man stands with a video camera ready to be a go-getter
Film is like a puzzle waiting to be solved. And just like any good puzzle master, the trick is being willing to dive in and get it done.

“The only safe thing is to take a chance.” – Mike Nichols

The Drama That is Film

Hundreds of puzzle pieces representing the film industry

I always imagined working in the film industry would be like being part of an art installation. Someone comes up with a unique idea, a vision that needs a certain amount of people to come to life. All of these people would fulfill a special purpose, because without them the end product wouldn’t be the same.

To be fair, that is a very romanticized idea. And from a creative standpoint, film is not quite like that. It is more like a puzzle that begs to be solved. The outcome might be clear, but you need hands to put it together in the correct and most efficient way possible. If you frame it and hang it on your wall, it’s up to you whether or not you put it upside down. As long as you have all the pieces, creativity is most definitely not the top priority when it comes to the filmmaking process. Not from what I have been able to experience so far.

The Moaners

There are many people who have been in the industry for a long time. Long enough to know that it is just another type of job that needs to get done everyday. But they also have that creative spark and they are not yet willing to let go. Those are the ones that find themselves trapped between both the creative and the money-making worlds. They start wondering what role they really want to take on in the film industry. Is their current path going to get them there?

To be quite honest, I feel it’s important to stay in both worlds. They are equally important. Even if your job doesn’t seem as fulfilling as you hoped it would be, or if the project you’re working on doesn’t want to end. Realize that you learn every step of the way.

Never blame your environment for whatever it is you are moaning about at the moment. Start using it as an opportunity to grow. You are the one that has to get out there and be vocal about what you want in this industry.

Even if you don’t get exactly what you asked for, turn it into a learning experience. Don’t let it stop you from moving forward.

The Skillset

A go-getter woman stands with a coffee cup that says, "Like A Boss".

Be the one who makes things happen in every way possible. This industry is not going to wait for you. Go out there and put your application in for whatever it may be you want to do or need to do to keep learning and keep growing. Tell your boss what interests you, and make it clear you are comfortable taking steps in new directions.

If you have a creative project you want to work on, figure out what and who you need to make it happen and go for it. Don’t worry about being perfect or not knowing enough. Stay interested and always give your best. Be confident about what you are trying to achieve and follow through.

Be a go-getter.

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