Brand Video Production: The Perfect Promotional Medium

brand video production

Brand Video Production ~ Your brand is more than the name of your company or product. It’s a huge identifier for consumers as to who you are and what you do. 

More so today than ever before, your brand also defines your spot in the marketplace. It’s how customers, competitors, and anyone that’s a part of your supply chain, see you.

It may feel like a list of buzzwords to describe your brand, but those words matter and they should help guide you in brand video production as well as all your marketing strategies that talk about your business.

The keywords of a brand

Think about your business. How would you define it using only singular words or short phrases? Are you:

  • Cutting-edge
  • Conservative
  • Trendy
  • Transparent
  • Giving
  • Understanding
  • Trustworthy
Brand Video Production

With each word you add, you’re painting a picture of how your business is perceived. You’re creating a brand. And, while these words don’t talk about the products you make or the services you offer, they add value to those components of your business. 

If a customer sees your brand as trustworthy and trendy, they may pick your products over your competitor, whose brand isn’t as well-defined.

Expressing your brand

Once you have your keywords down, and you understand the scope of your brand, the next step is getting the message out there. Think of it as introducing yourself, over-and-over, to your audience. They need to get to know you too.

You can do this through social media campaigns, targeted advertising, but most effectively through brand video production. This is because video is amazing at evoking emotions. If done right, you’ll get your audience to feel your brand identity rather than you just telling them who you are.

Why it’s necessary

Even if you feel your business has established itself in the market and is a familiar name for your customer base, you need branded video content. It can only help solidify how you’re perceived and remind customers to buy what you sell. 

Video is also a great way to drive people toward engagement. They can watch, and then react immediately. Forty-six percent of consumers have bought something after watching a branded video, and 32 percent have considered it, according to a recent survey. Not only that, but a significant majority believe that online videos are the easiest way to get to know a business.

Getting branding right

When using brand video production to maintain top-of-mind positioning in your market, there are three key elements.

1. Know your audience

Branding works best when you don’t try to send a single message to everyone. Segment your audience with different, targeted branded video to maximize your return.

2. Have a distinct voice

Instead of simply talking at your audience, give your branded video a little something extra. Make it sound like your brand, feel like your brand, look like your brand. Refer back to all those defining words and phrases you initially created to help here. This stage is also a great time to bring in a production company, whose expertise can help you translate your brand message to video effectively. 

3. Pick the right medium

Social media applications are the best place to distribute branded video content, but which platform will you use? This is often influenced by who your audience is and what type of content you’re creating. If you’re looking for something to go viral, maybe TikTok is your place. If your audience is a little less familiar with social media, Facebook could work best. Test out your options, pay attention to the watch statistics, and make adjustments as necessary. 

Contact the experts for help

While you’re the expert when it comes to crafting your brand, the team at ECG Productions is the experts when it comes to creating captivating digital content. Our knowledge and experience working with companies on brand video production means we know how to translate who you are onto the screen. Contact us today to get the conversation started on how we can best help you.

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