Video Industry Salaries 2023: What You Need to Know

As we march further into 2023, conversation and intrigue bubble around the bustling video industry salaries, a pivotal theme for professionals like me who are entrenched in the dynamic world of digital media. With my finger on the pulsating vein of digital media compensation trends, I’ve watched video production pay scales sway to the rhythm of technological advancements and evolving market demands. The video industry is uniquely positioned at the crossroad of creativity and commercialism, and in this crucible, understanding the intricacies of compensation is not just important—it’s critical.

Key Takeaways

  • Grasp the latest developments in video industry salaries 2023, a must-know for industry professionals.
  • Unpack the factors influencing video production pay, from emerging tech to market need.
  • Stay ahead with insights on digital media compensation trends shaping the video landscape.
  • Equip yourself with knowledge to negotiate salaries confidently in an ever-evolving industry.
  • Prepare for the future by understanding current pay scales and forecasting upcoming salary shifts.

Introduction to Video Industry’s Financial Outlook

Immersing myself in the fabric of the video industry, I’ve borne witness to significant fluxes shaped by the waves of digital expansion. The transformative power of emerging technologies has not only redefined narratives but also recast the video industry’s financial outlook. My observations extend to the broader movements within the corporate sphere, where giants like Walmart and Amazon have embraced digital-centric models—pivotal for forecasting the trajectory of entertainment salary expectations.

“The fusion of technology and convenience is dictating progressive shifts across industry landscapes.” – Industry Observer

Drawing parallels, the health-technology platform On/Go solidifies this trend, illustrating how digital solutions can lead to a reevaluation of value and compensation structures. As we peel back the layers of innovation within these companies, we uncover strategies and adaptations that provide valuable insights for video industry professionals seeking to navigate their financial futures with foresight and precision.

  • Evolution of retail strategies towards quicker service models foreshadows a similar shift in video production and distribution.
  • Understanding the intersection of technology and convenience offers clues to video industry financial outlook adaptability.
  • Comparative analysis of other industry adaptations feeds into informed entertainment salary expectations.

It’s not just about knowing the current state; it’s about predicting the waves before they crest. Armed with a telescope pointed towards the horizon, I am committed to charting a course through the financial seas of the video industry where digital innovation steers the ship.

The keen pursuit of digital integration—whether in supply chain logistics or telehealth—is more than a trend; it is the bedrock upon which the future salaries of video industry mavens are perched. The ever-evolving landscape demands not only creativity but a keen business acumen, and those at the confluence of these streams are poised to set new benchmarks for entertainment salary expectations.

Note: Statistics and specific financial figures pertaining to video industry salaries were not provided, understanding emerging market precedents helps sculpt a broad perspective on looming fiscal trends and outlines.

The Impact of Digital Expansion on Video Industry Salaries

As I delve into the heart of the video industry, I recognize the profound digital expansion impact that is reshaping the sector’s compensation frameworks. The incredible diversification taking place within video production is illustrative of an industry in flux, adapting to the insatiable demands of a technologically-driven society.

Diversifying Roles in Video Production

The surge in video production role diversity is much like the expanding universe—ever-growing and filled with uncharted territories. Just as Walmart has leveraged parcel stations to meet the rapid delivery demands of the digital age, video professionals are now expected to master multifaceted roles that span traditional and digital media boundaries. These roles, fueled by audience’s appetites for innovative content, have broadened the scope of media job salaries.

  • Content Creators must now become savvy at social media engagement.
  • Editors are expected to have competence in sophisticated software enhancements.
  • Producers must juggle logistical complexities while maintaining creative vision.

Emerging Technologies and Their Influence on Pay

Akin to Amazon steering the consumer market towards faster, smarter delivery options, the emergence of cutting-edge technology in video production is escalating the value of technical proficiency. The emerging technologies salary influence cannot be understated; the command of virtual reality, augmented reality, and AI algorithms has become a potent currency, unlocking higher pay scales for those with expertise.

I am witness to a kaleidoscope of new roles, each becoming a critical cog in the intricate machinery of video production.

Indeed, the positions that harbor these skills are touching new zeniths in the video industry tech impact on pay, setting exciting salary precedents for tomorrow’s pioneers.

Comparing Traditional and New Media Pay Scales

The contrast between traditional vs new media salaries is becoming more pronounced as digital platforms burgeon and traditional media pivots to integrate these innovations. Substantial investment in technical prowess is required to spearhead these platforms effectively, securing more lucrative paychecks for those who wield the digital torch boldly.

  • Digital Media Strategists command higher premiums over conventional Marketing Managers.
  • UI/UX Designers are scaling the pay levels in comparison to Graphic Designers.
  • Data Analysts and SEO Specialists find stronger footholds in the compensation landscape.

Indeed, a comprehensive understanding of this pay evolution is paramount for those who aim to thrive in the video domain. The ability to navigate and leverage the video industry pay scale comparison is a strategic advantage in this digital era. This partnership of creativity and technology in video production is not transient—it’s the mantle of the future.

Emerging Technologies Salary Influence

Looking forward in my role, I remain committed to monitoring and decoding these salary trends, as they say more about the pulse of our industry than any sizzle reel could. In the midst of this growth, our craft is receiving the financial acknowledgment it duly deserves, raising the bar for media job salaries across the board.

Current Salary Trends in the Video Industry

Peering into the realm of the video industry, I’m captivated by the evolution of current salary trends. It’s a reflection of the broader digital commerce wave, epitomized by initiatives like Walmart’s logistic enhancements during peak shopping seasons and Amazon’s relentless pursuit of delivery efficiency. The video industry, a fertile ground for my analysis, parallels these giants in its adaptation to the digital marketplace.

Understanding the media compensation analysis is essential to all within the video industry—from the creative mavericks behind the scenes to the executive visionaries steering production powerhouses. Observing the transformative trajectory of these trends provides invaluable insights for professionals seeking to stay ahead.

“Just as e-commerce adapts to embrace logistically sophisticated models, the video industry too, recalibrates its compensation standards to remain competitive.”

Having culled data from across digital and traditional media landscapes, the intricate dance between consumer demand and technological proficiency emerges, directly influencing salary structures. The rapid expansion of online platforms has consequently inflated the market value of certain skill sets in the field.

  • Content strategists and producers adept in digital storytelling now command noteworthy premiums.
  • Technical engineers and multimedia specialists are reaping the benefits of the market’s pivot towards advanced platforms.
  • As the divide between production and technology roles narrows, those with hybrid capabilities witness a meteoric rise in their market worth.

This financial reflection mirrors the wider seismic shifts in retail and technology. For instance, as Walmart integrates parcel stations to expedite deliveries, a video professional skilled in fast-turnaround content creation is similarly valued—agility and speed have become currencies in their own right.

And as Amazon doubles down on delivery efficiency to bolster customer satisfaction, so too does the video industry value professionals who can leverage cutting-edge editing software and distribution algorithms for a frictionless media experience.

An exciting implication of this nexus is that salaries are not only rising, but also becoming more nuanced—with compensation schemes increasingly tailored to reflect an individual’s blend of creative vision and technical acumen.

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The stakes are high, and the rewards are tangible. I am invigorated by the prospect of mapping and navigating this terrain, where anticipation and strategy combine to secure a prosperous financial future in the video industry. Just as we witness retail giants revolutionizing their strategies to attract and retain customers, we, the video industry professionals, are poised to redefine perceived value and write our own compensation narratives.

“To be fluent in the language of current salary trends is to hold the key to unlocking one’s full earning potential in the video industry.”

Each financial report, each earnings announcement serves as a beacon, guiding us through the fog of industry speculation towards a horizon bright with promise. My pledge is to keep you informed and prepared as we together chart this unfolding course of media compensation analysis in the throbbing heart of the video industry.

Understanding the Factors Affecting Video Industry Salaries

As I navigate the dynamic currents of the video industry, I’ve discerned that deciphering salary intricacies is akin to mapping a vast, ever-changing terrain. In my quest to stay abreast of the factors influencing remuneration, a fundamental challenge has emerged: how does inflation affect salaries, and what are the strategic responses needed in terms of salary projection adjustments? Equally impactful are issues of experience and the value of specialized skills which are weighty considerations that mold the salary panorama. My exploration is grounded in real-time economic shifts and how they’re reflected in our industry’s compensation nuances.

Inflation and Its Effects on Salary Projections

Witnessing firsthand the ripples caused by inflation effects on salaries, I find pertinence in consumers’ current hesitance to splurge on expedited delivery services. This holds a mirror to the video industry—where the potential for salary growth must be carefully balanced with the rising cost of living. The key lies in strategic financial foresight; we must be as cunning as chess players, anticipating moves and countermoves in the complex game of negotiations to ensure competitive compensation packages that also reflect economic realities.

“Inflation does not merely pad the numbers—it pressures the entire salary structure, compelling a meticulous approach to salary projection adjustments.”

Experience and Skill Level Considerations

Through my lens, I observe that the video industry harbors a deep appreciation for experience skill level salary considerations. It’s much like the medical relief offerings from On/Go: comprehensive and multifaceted. A seasoned professional wielding a palette of specialized skills can demand a premium, demonstrating that in our arena, diversity of talent directly influences the salary edifice. To me, this reveals a profound truth—our worth is measured not only in years but in our ability to traverse a spectrum of competencies with finesse.

  • Advanced editing skills are the equivalent of an artist’s masterstroke in the digital tapestry.
  • Marketing acumen in the online realm is a potent lever in the machinery of audience engagement.
  • Technical expertise with emergent platforms positions professionals as architects of innovation.

I champion the cause of those who invest in expanding their skill sets, knowing that the investment translates into not just a better craft, but also a stronger stance in salary dialogues.

Experience Skill Level Salary Considerations

In summary, within the heart of the video industry beats a rhythm that resonates with the impact of inflation effects on salaries and amplifies the significance of experience and skill level considerations. These are not merely variables to acknowledge—they are video industry compensation factors that dictate the ebb and flow of our financial trajectories. As we pivot and pirouette through the changing economic landscape, our response to these factors will underscore our adaptability and enduring value in this ever-vibrant field.

Comparing Salaries Across Different Video Industry Roles

Immersing myself in the labyrinth of video industry roles, I’ve observed an intriguing panorama of salary disparities. Much like my insights into thriving businesses such as Brookfield Residential, which showcases a wide range of job functions and compensation, the video industry too is a tapestry woven from diverse roles, each commanding its distinct value on the pay scale. I’m eager to share with you the fruits of my labor—a comprehensive salary comparison video industry roles that will illuminate the financial landscape that so many of us navigate daily.

salary comparison video industry roles

From the nimble fingers of the editor to the strategic minds orchestrating production, video industry salaries vary as widely as the roles themselves. Akin to the multifaceted nature of a company like Brookfield Residential, with its varied job functions, video production job earnings reflect a rich spectrum influenced by role specificity, experience, and technical know-how. Let’s dive into this economic mosaic and decode the intricacies of video production compensation.

“Identifying salary trends is much like tracing constellations in the night sky—each role, a star, contributes uniquely to the industry’s galaxy of earnings.”

  • Editors and Cinematographers meticulously craft the visuals, yet their earnings often differ, with cinematographers frequently commanding a higher salary due to the specialized equipment and expertise required.
  • Graphic Artists and Visual Effects Specialists see a varied range of compensation, with the latter often receiving higher pay for their technical adeptness in creating the fantastical from the foundations of reality.
  • Sound Engineers and Composers blend art and science to enrich productions, but the demand for cutting-edge auditory experiences grants sound engineers a competitive edge in salary negotiations.
  • Producers and Directors sit at the helm, steering projects from conception to completion. Directors, wielding considerable influence over the creative vision, can often negotiate higher salaries relative to producers who manage the operational logistics.

The salary comparison video industry roles extend beyond just the creative team. Technicians, scriptwriters, and digital marketers all play their part in this symphony of storytelling, often with pay that reflects the evolving market’s valuation of their skills. Understanding these differences is key to navigating your own financial trajectory within the industry. Armed with this knowledge of video production job earnings, you can better strategize your career path, aiming for the pinnacle of success and the rewards that come with it.

“Delve into the dance of digits and discover where you stand within the kaleidoscopic spectrum of video production earnings.”

As an enthusiast and professional in this captivating industry, I find joy in empowering you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about your career. Keep in mind, though, that these numbers are not just indicators of value—they resonate with personal growth, passion, and the relentless pursuit of excellence that define us as creators and innovators.

Regional Differences in Video Industry Compensation

As I traverse the landscape of the video industry, one truth emerges as clear as the Californian sky: there are pronounced regional salary differences in the video industry that cannot be ignored. In every corner of the United States, from the traditional production stalwarts to the burgeoning new media hubs, the compensation for creative professionals varies significantly. Today, I’m poised to unravel the tapestry of production hub compensation variances that shape the livelihoods of countless industry professionals.

Consider the differences akin to real estate development; just as companies like Brookfield Residential recognize regional variances in asset value and development, so too does the video industry reflect the cost of living, market demand, and regional economic health in its compensation structures.

production hub compensation variances

Salary Variances in Major Production Hubs

When we peer into the hubs of video production, the spotlight invariably falls on cities like Los Angeles, New York, and Atlanta. Each serves as a beacon, drawing creatives and technical experts eager to mark their territory in this competitive domain. Yet, they differ just as the Atlantic differs from the Pacific in their ever-fluctuating compensation currents.

“Dive into the fabric of any production hub, and you’ll find a rich, complex web of salary strands as diverse as their cultural tapestry.”

  • Los Angeles, the heart of entertainment, commands higher wages due to its legacy, but one need also navigate the city’s higher cost of living.
  • New York’s media nexus offers competitive salary packages, reflecting the city’s dense market demand and high living expenses.
  • Atlanta, a growing powerhouse, entices with lower living costs, yet has been steadily climbing the compensation ladder in video production realms.
  • Emerging hotspots like Austin and Portland begin to flex their muscles, promising growth and potentially competitive compensation in years ahead.

My mission resonates with the need to illuminate these variances, enabling professionals to make informed decisions when charting their career paths. The understanding of regional salary differences in the video industry is more than academic—it’s a practical guide to navigating the financial landscapes we inhabit and hope to conquer.

As we look to the imaginative horizons, knowing the production hub compensation variances provides a crucial map to the treasure troves of opportunities that lie in different territories. Join me as we continue to explore, compare, and understand the economic climates of these bustling creative hubs, making each discovery a stepping stone to our collective success.

Navigating Salary Negotiations in the Video Industry

As I delve into the rich tapestry of the video industry, I find an undeniable parallel between the strategic development of communities by companies like Brookfield Residential and the tactical approach required for effective salary negotiation in our field. Let me take you through the core principles that I consider to be the bedrock of successful salary negotiation strategies in the video industry, sharing insights into how best to navigate these career-defining conversations.

“Just like the meticulous planning that goes into creating vibrant communities, negotiating your worth requires a combination of self-awareness, market knowledge, and a dash of diplomacy.” – Seasoned Media Professional

Negotiating media job offers is no small task; it commands a deep understanding of not only your intrinsic worth but also the economic pulse of the industry we passionately serve. Let’s explore the tactics that can turn a daunting negotiation into a triumph of professional growth.

  1. Prepare by researching the latest compensation trends within the industry to understand your market value fully.
  2. Construct a narrative that not only highlights your skillset but also aligns your capabilities with the prospective employer’s strategic goals.
  3. Approach every negotiation with a clear understanding of your acceptable salary range, including your walk-away point.

Armed with this preparation, you stand ready to engage in discussions that will set the monetary tone for your role. Remember, salary isn’t solely about the figures; it’s about acknowledging your contribution to the industry’s progression and securing what reflects your professional stature.

  • Emphasize your unique strengths and how they’d benefit your potential employer.
  • Articulate your enthusiasm for the role and the company’s vision, aligning it with your career trajectory.
  • Listen attentively to the offer and be ready to present your case with poise and conviction.

In my experience, I’ve found that striking the right tone – one that’s assertive yet open to dialogue – is crucial. Like Brookfield Residential’s commitment to improving life experiences, your ability to negotiate effectively has the power to enhance the trajectory of your career.

So, whether you’re a burgeoning director, a skilled editor, or an aspiring producer, remember these strategies as you navigate the complex yet rewarding process of salary negotiation in the video industry. With preparedness and strategy, you can position yourself to achieve an outcome that resonates with your professional aspirations and financial goals.

“Through strategic negotiation, the value you bring to the table is defined not just by your skill but also by the eloquence of your professional voice in the conversation of compensation.” – Media Negotiation Expert

Forecasting the Future: Salary Trends for Upcoming Years

Embarking on the quest to forecast salary trends in the video industry, my enthusiasm burgeons; it’s akin to a cartographer charting new territories. The future of our industry promises nothing less than exciting, with predicted video sector growth carving out the landscape. This exhilarating journey into the unknown is powered by my fervor for anticipating the next fiscal wave that will carry our professional worth to its zenith.

Analyzing Predicted Growth Areas within the Video Sector

Just as companies like On/Go bolster their market position with diligent research, I delve into future salary trends video industry with similar rigor. The passion boiling in my veins for unveiling future projections has revealed tantalizing growth areas. These are the sectors where the storyline of our paychecks is written, dictated by the voracious appetite of digital consumption patterns and culminating in a robust financial forecast for industry mavens.

  • Streaming services continue to explode, with original content creation leading the charge in salary advancements.
  • Ad-enabled platforms become the trojan horses of revenue influx, promising lucrative roles for ad tech experts.
  • Educational and corporate video production areas are expected to expand, broadening the canvas for career compensation.

Where creativity meets demand, there blooms an orchard of opportunity, and with it, a prediction of plentiful harvests for video professionals.

The Role of AI and Automation in Shaping Industry Salaries

The winds of change howl mightily as I trace the influence of AI automation salary impact video industry. Robotics and automation have already begun their march across the broad plains of industries, reshaping them like master sculptors. In video production, their touch is delicate yet indelible, carving out roles that demand premium paychecks for the digitally adept.

“AI and automation are the avant-garde artists of our era, redefining the form and value of our industry’s work.”

  1. Video editors who embrace AI in their workflow will find their skill sets tethered to a rising pay grade.
  2. AI-driven analytics and user engagement specialists will claim their stake in an industry eager to monetize big data.
  3. Automation in video tagging and SEO optimization attracts a new breed of tech-savvy professionals with the promise of higher salaries.

The dawn of automation in the video sector unveils a crescendo of new positions, each a golden note in the overture of our ever-adapting industry.

Unleashing the Power of Interconnected AI: Driving Efficiency and Innovation

As I forge my pathway through this evolving salary landscape, it is the dance of technology and innovation that choreographs the steps we take. Merging my gaze with the future, the clarity of evolving compensation models comes into view, bearing testimony to the tech advancements compensation effects. It is in this confluence of progress and adaptation where I find meaning; it is where I cast my anchor in the narrative of tomorrow’s video industry. Thus, the soothsayer in me watches the coming tides, ready to embrace the transformations they portend with eager anticipation and wise adaptability.

Top Earners in the Video Industry: Who’s Making What?

As I synthesize the whirlwind of data surrounding the top earners in the video industry, my investigations reveal that this landscape is continuously sculpted by the forces of innovation and the emergence of new media roles. The quest to identify who is carving their mark on the summit of this industry is more than an enumeration of hefty paychecks; it’s a recognition of those who capably navigate the crosscurrents of technology and creativity.

The vibrancy of the high paying video production jobs arena reflects a pattern seen in the rise of digital giants. Taking cues from leading sectors, it is clear that emerging roles, particularly those augmented by cutting-edge technologies, command salaries that set industry standards. The nexus of expertise and technological acumen within video industry professionals is rewriting the ledger of financial expectation and success.

“The alchemy of skill, vision, and technological command is the crucible where the highest salaries in the video industry are forged.”

  • Production Executives who balance creative vision with business acumen sit astride the industry’s financial acropolis.
  • Directors with a flair for turning narrative visions into digital gold command figures that reflect their box-office impact.
  • Technical Directors versed in the latest VFX and animation technologies herald a new age of competitive compensation.
  • Top-tier Cinematographers who capture our imaginations with breathtaking visuals draw on salaries that mirror their artistry.
  • Video Game Designers and Developers—with the video gaming industry reaching stratospheric heights—are amongst the industry’s most handsomely rewarded.

My exploration into the realm of top earners in the video industry brings to light the understanding that the crowning salaries belong to those who adapt, innovate, and excel beyond boundaries. As emerging technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and streaming services redefine consumer engagement, they also recast the earning potential of the industry’s maestros.

  1. Visionary Content Creators especially adept in engaging audiences over digital platforms enjoy high-end revenue streams.
  2. Experts in video analytics and monetization strategies are now central to content-driven profit models.
  3. Social Media Influencers harness the power of platforms to not only spur conversations but to take home paychecks rivaling industry veterans.
  4. Showrunners of successful web series and online content have scaled financial summits reflecting their broad viewer base.

high paying video production jobs

My gaze turns as well to the corporate sphere where Video Marketing Strategists leverage their understanding of market trends and viewer behavior to earn top-tier salaries. These individuals are the masterminds behind campaigns that drive revenue and brand recognition, painting their expertise as richly valued in the current market.

“Strategic navigation in the boundless sea of digital content finds its recompense not only in viewership accolades but also in its lucrative payoff.”

In sum, this sketch of the video industry’s top earners paints a portrait of a space bursting with opportunity for the financially ambitious. It’s a thrilling tableau where progressive roles and robust compensation intersect, each success story a demonstration of industry prominence. These financial victors of the industry exemplify success in their mastery of media evolution, drawing a die-cut contour of influence and affluence as their backdrop.


As I draw the threads of our expedition through the video industry salary insights to a close, my reflections brim with the understanding that our media career financial trends are inextricably linked to the broader waves of market evolution. We have witnessed parallels in the advancements made by titans across diverse industries—from e-commerce leaders like Walmart and Amazon to healthcare innovators like On/Go—and recognized these as markers guiding our own compensation journeys. It’s a narrative underscored by adaptability, strategic foresight, and the unwavering commitment to skill enhancement.

Through this prism, we’ve examined the spectrum of video industry roles, decoding the complexities of salaries that intertwine with shifting digital landscapes. The insights gleaned serve as a compass for professionals seeking to chart a course through the fluctuating seas of media remuneration, navigating toward the harbors of success and satisfaction. My vigil continues, as I remain dedicated to providing the discerning analysis that can arm you with the confidence to claim the worth you’ve earned in this dynamic sector.

My journey as a purveyor of industry wisdom is both an honor and a mandate to ensure that every creative maverick and technical wizard within the video domain has a beacon to light their path. May the insights illuminated in this exploration cascade into your own media career financial trends, steering you toward fulfilling engagements and prosperous outcomes in the ever-evolving theater of digital media. Lean into the winds of change with enthusiasm, for these are the currents that will propel us to the next pinnacle of our professional endeavors.


What are the current salary trends in the video industry for 2023?

2023 is seeing a continued influence of digital media on compensation trends within the video industry. As platforms and technology change, so too do the video production pay rates, with a significant emphasis on roles that cater to the digital landscape.

How does digital expansion impact salaries in the video industry?

Digital expansion has led to diversifying roles in video production. Emerging technologies not only contribute to the evolution of traditional job descriptions but also introduce new positions requiring specialized skills, which in turn influence pay scales.

How do traditional and new media pay scales in the video industry compare?

Traditional media typically has established pay scales with clear progression. New media, however, is more dynamic and can offer higher salaries for niche, high-demand skills brought about by digital technologies.

What factors are affecting video industry salaries?

Several factors impact salaries in the video industry, including inflation, technological advancements, digital consumption patterns, and the rise of direct-to-consumer platforms. Experience, skills, and the demand for specialized roles also play a crucial role.

How do salaries vary across different video industry roles?

Salaries in the video industry vary widely depending on the role, with technical positions, directors, and producers often commanding higher pay rates, while entry-level and support roles may have lower starting salaries.

What regional differences exist in video industry compensation?

Major production hubs like Los Angeles and New York City typically have higher salary scales due to the cost of living and concentrated demand for video professionals, while other regions may have lower average salaries but also reduced living costs.

What strategies can one employ during salary negotiations in the video industry?

Effective salary negotiation strategies involve doing your research on current rates for your role, understanding your value proposition, and being prepared to discuss your experience, skills, and how they align with the prospective employer’s needs.

How can we forecast salary trends for the upcoming years in the video industry?

Forecasting future salary trends involves analyzing market research, consumer behavior, technological developments, and potential growth areas within the industry. Monitoring the implications of AI and automation will also be essential in predicting how salaries might adjust.

Who are the top earners in the video industry?

Top earners in the video industry often include high-level executives, successful directors, and producers, as well as specialized technical experts who possess rare skills in emerging technologies shaping the landscape.

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